Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dragon Age Combat

Ok, I'm about 4 hours into Dragon Age and let me tell you: it isn't a cake walk. Sure, slaying people and decapitating them is easy enough, but eventually you're going to run into tactically placed enemies, such as archers behind warriors. This means you're going to need to use tactics and your whole party in order to take them down. Dragon Age has thrown up to 10 enemies at me at a time, in the first few hours and it really makes you appreciate your life when you defeat a giant and rather disgruntled ogre. This is some of the most thoughtful and addictive combat I've ever seen, you'll need to pause frequently to stay on top of the hard fights, but if you pull it off, you feel incredibly satisfied with yourself. More on Dragon Age later, assuming one of the other two don't shut me up in time.

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